Whiskey og fluefishery screwtop hinanden as to Dråber Vand.
Man trækker vejret lidt dybere og kigger lige ind in Sjælen. Both you reach Fylder Munden with a good whisky – og you can see the day gry with a fish estang in the taunt. Brødrene Claus og Michael braunstein er passionerede fluefiskere, og it was under deres fisketure Lang public de smukke Scottish rivers, og with Lommelærken in Hånden, at the idea til at their og fremstille a Danish whisky as a unique smagsoplevelse opstood.
Now Inviterer braunstein several til at tage part in Rejsen mod den Gode danske whisky. You can use til at Skabe your own completely unikke whisky. Braunstein stands on target for quality, but you can selv get the excellent whiskey experience completely inde in the Kernen of the whisky Verden.
You følger, smager og påe dit whiskyfad og write to your own whiskey adventure!
Håndlavet Danish whisky.
Reach der skal lave whisky behøves vand, malt og gær. Ok, quite so simple is it alligevel ikke. Et godt end result requires et Godt distillery, customer skaber, creativity, førsteklasses Egefade, good storage forhold og a decent portion of patience.
It shells Gøres quite rigtigt lige fra start. A good Færdigstock whisky forudsætter at Alle Trin in the process holder Høj Klasse. At Braunstein we are producing new distillates in Verdensklasse. Gennem nøje udvælgelse af Raw og production methods we have full-time focus on quality Frem for quantity. We are Distillers Langsommere end Andre distilleries netop for at that quality. We are avoiding chemicals in the production process at Vejen MoD whisky.
The quality of the habit is a focus point for OS. We Bruges the Reneste Kildevand, for at give stories they best the beast for at Folde themselves ud. Og During the storage you we ekstremt Nøjeregnende with Valget af fade, og buy kun them in best quality. We lagrer Selv Fadene during the moding, we fordi on the both Opreaches maksimal control with temperature og Fugtigheden in the air around Fadene. Udover Antallet af years in Fadet, the fledging whiskey Ogsom AF temperature shift mellem Day og nat as well as Mellem Sommer og winter. Vores dråber shells have Disse oplevelser!
Nysgerrighed og willpower til at eksperimentere er a part af vores arbejde with quality. Whisky er et product with a lang history, og we have dyb respect for tradition og håndværket. But are we have mulighed for at Gøre the Endnu bedre today or in Morgen, yes, so we gør it!