Whiskey and Fluefishery Screwtop each other as two drops of water.

You breathe a little deeper and look right in the soul. Both you reach fills your mouth with a good whisky – and you can see the day gry with a fish estang in the taunt. Brothers Claus and Michael Braunstein are passionate fly fishermen, and it was during their fishing trips long public The beautiful Scottish rivers, and with the pocket teacher in hand, the idea to their and produce a Danish whisky as a unique taste experience opstood.

Now, Braunstein invites several to take part in the journey to the good Danish whisky. You can use to create your own completely unique whisky. Braunstein stands on target for quality, but you can even get the excellent whiskey experience completely inside the nucleus of the whisky world.

You follow, taste and click your whiskydish and write to your own whiskey adventure!

Handmade Danish whisky.

Reach to make whisky is needed water, malt and yeast. Ok, quite so simple is it anyway not. A good than result requires a good distillery, customer creator, creativity, premium Egefade, good storage ratio and a decent portion of patience.

It shells are made quite right right from the start. A Good finishing stock whisky assumes that all steps in the process keep high class. At Braunstein We are producing new distillates in world class. Through careful selection of Raw and production methods we have full-time focus on quality rather than quantity. We are Distillers slower than other distilleries just for that that quality. We are avoiding chemicals in the production process to the road Towards whisky.

The quality of the habit is a focus point for US. We Use the cleanest spring water to give stories they best the beast to unfold Thems elves. And During the storage you we extremely fussy with the choice of fade, and buy only them in best quality. We store even the faders during the moding, we because on the both Opreaches maximum control with temperature and humidity in the air around the Fadene. Besides the number of years in the dish, the fledging whiskey ANDAs of the temperature shift between Day and night as well as between summer and winter. Our drops shells have these experiences!

Curiosity and willpower to experiment is a part of our work with quality. Whisky is a product with a long history, and we have deep respect for tradition and craftsmanship. But are we have the opportunity to make the even better today or in morning, yes, so we do it!